WFA | November 9 - 10, 2024 | Salt Lake City, UT


Looking to learn life-saving skills for your next backcountry adventure? You’re in the right place. This 16-20 hour course is perfect for field crews, land agency works, or anybody who enjoys spending time in the backcountry.

Dates & Schedule:

  • Length: 2 days

  • Dates: November 9 & 10, 2024.

  • Schedule: 8am - 6pm

  • Location: Salt Lake City area in UT. (specific location will be announced closer to course dates)

Students will receive:

  • 2 Year Wilderness First Aid (WFA) Certification

  • 2 Year Wilderness Anaphylaxis Training (WAT) Certification

  • 2 Year Wilderness CPR & BLS Certification

  • Access to our online Continuing Education portal so you can keep your skills sharp even after the course is finished.

  • Eligibility to participate in Scenario Practice Sessions so you can keep you hands-on skills fresh (available to all DMM graduates.)

    • Must have a current WFA or WFR Certification

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Looking to learn life-saving skills for your next backcountry adventure? You’re in the right place. This 16-20 hour course is perfect for field crews, land agency works, or anybody who enjoys spending time in the backcountry.

Dates & Schedule:

  • Length: 2 days

  • Dates: November 9 & 10, 2024.

  • Schedule: 8am - 6pm

  • Location: Salt Lake City area in UT. (specific location will be announced closer to course dates)

Students will receive:

  • 2 Year Wilderness First Aid (WFA) Certification

  • 2 Year Wilderness Anaphylaxis Training (WAT) Certification

  • 2 Year Wilderness CPR & BLS Certification

  • Access to our online Continuing Education portal so you can keep your skills sharp even after the course is finished.

  • Eligibility to participate in Scenario Practice Sessions so you can keep you hands-on skills fresh (available to all DMM graduates.)

    • Must have a current WFA or WFR Certification

Looking to learn life-saving skills for your next backcountry adventure? You’re in the right place. This 16-20 hour course is perfect for field crews, land agency works, or anybody who enjoys spending time in the backcountry.

Dates & Schedule:

  • Length: 2 days

  • Dates: November 9 & 10, 2024.

  • Schedule: 8am - 6pm

  • Location: Salt Lake City area in UT. (specific location will be announced closer to course dates)

Students will receive:

  • 2 Year Wilderness First Aid (WFA) Certification

  • 2 Year Wilderness Anaphylaxis Training (WAT) Certification

  • 2 Year Wilderness CPR & BLS Certification

  • Access to our online Continuing Education portal so you can keep your skills sharp even after the course is finished.

  • Eligibility to participate in Scenario Practice Sessions so you can keep you hands-on skills fresh (available to all DMM graduates.)

    • Must have a current WFA or WFR Certification

Skills Taught / General Course Outline:

  • Intro to Wilderness Medicine

  • Medical Legal Considerations

  • Wilderness CPR / Basic Life Support

  • Patient Assessment

  • Calling in a Rescue

  • Bleeding & Shock

  • Wound Management

  • Burn Management

  • Orthopedic Injuries

  • Improvised Splint Building

  • Micromedics

  • Traumatic Brain Injuries

  • Chest & Abdominal Injuries

  • Backcountry Medical Issues

  • Allergies & Anaphylaxis

  • Environmental Medicine

    • Dehydration / Hyponatremia

    • Hypothermia

    • Heat Illness

    • Lightning Injuries

    • Bites & Stings

    • Water Emergencies

  • First Aid Kits

  • Helicopter LZ & Safety

Our Philosophy:

At Backcountry Ready, we believe in hands-on learning so you feel confident when it’s time to respond to an incident. Our courses put a heavy emphasis on practice scenarios, along with a variety of different teaching / learning styles to ensure every student is able to stay engaged throughout the entire course. Our curriculum is regularly updated from the Wilderness Medicine Education Collaborative (WMEC) and Desert Mountain Medicine (DMM) to ensure you’re getting the most up-to date information possible.