Scenario Practice Sessions

Available Scenario Practice Sessions

Currently all of our scenario practice sessions are available for private groups of 6 or more & organizations only.

All students who receive certifications from Utah State University or Desert Mountain Medicine will still be eligible to attend our Scenario Practice Sessions.

Have a group of 6 or more? Email us directly about coordinating a session for your group. Email Becky directly at:

Click here for more detailed information about our Scenario Practice Sessions.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Our practical Scenario Practice Sessions are 4 hours long.

    • A brief refresher of patient assessment.

    • Practice scenarios where students will participate as rescuers and patients.

    • A brief Q&A session to address any questions related to WFA or WFR courses.

  • If you have a group of 6 or more, inquire about setting up a private session for your group. Class scheduling can be configured based on your group’s needs. Email Becky for more information: